News For Your Week Ahead: August 26, 2021

On this week’s MSATP TV, Education Committee Chair Bob Medbery gave us insight into the upcoming seminar season. Click the button below to learn about the exciting events you should attend this fall!

Watch on YouTube.

Coming Up: On Wednesday, September 1, at 10 a.m., James George will join us for a full rundown of this year’s Business Builders Connection Conference in Bethany Beach, DE. Check out the event details below and get registered today!

Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook so you can catch MSATP TV live every week.

Interest Rates Remain The Same for the Fourth Quarter, 2021 | IR-2021-173

The Internal Revenue Service announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning Oct. 1, 2021.  The rates will be:

  • 3% for overpayments [2% in the case of a corporation];
  • 0.5 % for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000;
  • 3% percent for underpayments; and
  • 5% percent for large corporate underpayments.

Under the Internal Revenue Code, the rate of interest is determined on a quarterly basis.  For taxpayers other than corporations, the overpayment and underpayment rate is the federal short-term rate plus 3 percentage points.

For more information, click here.

Here’s How Taxpayers Can Rebuild Records After A Natural Disaster| Tax Tip 2021-125

After a natural disaster, taxpayers need records to help them prove and recover disaster-related losses. This may be for tax purposes, getting support from federal assistance program or for insurance claims.

While personal or business property may have been destroyed, all hope is not lost. Here are some steps that can help people reconstruct important records.

Tax records

  • Get free tax return transcripts immediately using Get Transcript on
  • Order transcripts by calling 800-908-9946 and following the prompts.

For more information, click here.

News for Your Week Ahead: August 19, 2021

Bob Jennings, CPA, EA provides a glimpse into TaxSpeaker’s offerings with MSATP this fall. Be sure to check out the upcoming Business Tax In-Depth seminar/webinar in Frederick, MD!

Watch on YouTube.

Coming Up: On Wednesday, August 25 at 10 a.m., Education Committee Chair Bob Medbery\will join us to give insight into our fall seminar season and upcoming events.

Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook so you can catch MSATP TV live every week.

Accounting for Cryptocurrency: A Challenge and Opportunity for CPA Firms and Protocols

Since its introduction in 2008, cryptocurrency has been gaining acceptance and use. That trend will continue as more people seek decentralized, private, and portable currency in a global economy.

This is good news for CPA professionals. The sheer number of cryptocurrency options is overwhelming, and there are aspects of fraud to consider, so people are likely to need advice from tax and accounting professionals.

CPAs who become cryptocurrency experts can take advantage of this opportunity. By offering cryptocurrency advice and auditing services to clients, firms can realize a new revenue source to offset the loss of other income from services such as traditional compliance work.

For more information, click here.

What People Should and Should Not Do If They Get Mails from the IRS | COVID Tax Tip 2021-119

Every year the IRS mails letters or notices to taxpayers for many different reasons. Typically, it’s about a specific issue with a taxpayer’s federal tax return or tax account. A notice may tell them about changes to their account or ask for more information. It could also tell them they need to make a payment. This year, people might have also received correspondence about Economic Impact Payments or an advance child tax credit outreach letter.

For more information, click here.

MSATP Members: Are you using the community forum on our website? You can introduce yourself, post your tax questions (and respond to questions other professionals have), and network with other members! To visit the community forum, click here.

Not a member? Join today by clicking here.

News for Your Week Ahead: August 12, 2021

MSATP President Barbara joined us to tell us about her upcoming seminar and webinar, Payroll and 1099 Forms on December 13, 2021.

Watch on YouTube.

Coming Up: On Wednesday, August 18 at 10 a.m., Bob Jennings will join us to tell us about the upcoming TaxSpeaker classes during the fall seminar season.

Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook so you can catch MSATP TV live every week.

Employee Retention Credit – The Latest Guidance | TaxSpeaker

The IRS has released Notice 2021-49 regarding the application of the rules for the Employee Retention Credit under the American Rescue Plan which extended the credit for wages paid before January 1, 2022, and answering some questions that practitioners have asked with regard to the application of the credit. However, the ERC does not have a large utilization, so Congress is looking at ending the credit as of September 30, 2021, as part of the infrastructure legislation for all employers other than Recovery Startup businesses.

For more information, click here.

Security Summit Warns Tax Pros to be Wary of Pandemic-Related Email Schemes | IR-2021-166

In a continuing twist on a common scam, the IRS, state tax agencies, and tax industry today warned tax professionals to beware of evolving phishing scams that use various pandemic-related themes to steal client data.

The Security Summit partners continue to see instances where tax professionals, especially those who engage in remote transactions, have been vulnerable this year to identity thieves posing as potential clients. The criminals then trick practitioners into opening email links or attachments that infect computer systems.

For more information, click here.

Treasury, IRS Provide Gross Receipts Safe Harbor for Employers Claiming the Employee Retention Credit | IR-2021-167

The Department of the Treasury and the IRS issued a safe harbor allowing employers to exclude certain items from their gross receipts solely for determining eligibility for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).

Revenue Procedure 2021-33 provides a safe harbor permitting employers to exclude certain amounts from gross receipts solely for determining eligibility for the ERC. These amounts are:

  • The amount of the forgiveness of a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan;
  • Shuttered Venue Operators Grants under the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Venues Act; and
  • Restaurant Revitalization Grants under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

For more information, click here.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Transition Relief Under Internal Revenue Code § 51 | N-2021-43

Notice 2021-43 provides transition relief for employers that hire or hired certain individuals residing in empowerment zones and who begin work on or after January 1, 2021, and before the date that is 60 days from the date of publication of the notice. Section 51 of the Code provides employers with a work opportunity credit for hiring certain individuals certified by a Designated Local Agency (DLA) to be a member of a targeted group listed in section 51(d). Employers must receive, on or before the day on which such individual begins work for the employer, a certification from a DLA that such individual is a member of a targeted group or must request certification that the individual is a member of a targeted group by submitting Form 8850 (Pre-Screening Notification and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit) to a DLA within 28 days of that individual beginning work.

For more information, click here.

Tax Security Tip: Get an IP PIN to Help Stop Identity Thieves | Tax Tip 2021-116

The IRS and its Security Summit partners recently kicked off their annual summer campaign. This year’s theme, Boost Security Immunity: Fight Against Identity Theft, urges tax pros to step up their efforts to protect client data. An IP PIN is a valuable tool that can help in this effort and it is now available to anyone who can verify their identity.

An Identity Protection PIN is six-digit number eligible taxpayers get to help prevent their Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number from being used to file fraudulent federal income tax returns. This number helps the IRS verify a taxpayer’s identity and accept their tax return. The Get An IP PIN tool enables anyone who has an SSN or ITIN to get an IP PIN after they verify their identity through a rigorous authentication process. Taxpayers should review the Secure Access requirements before they try to use the Get An IP PIN tool.

For more information, click here.

Employee Retention Credit – The Latest Guidance by TaxSpeaker

Employee Retention Credit

The IRS has released Notice 2021-49 regarding the application of the rules for the Employee Retention Credit under the American Rescue Plan which extended the credit for wages paid before January 1, 2022, and answering some questions that practitioners have asked with regard to the application of the credit. However, the ERC does not have a large utilization, so Congress is looking at ending the credit as of September 30, 2021, as part of the infrastructure legislation for all employers other than Recovery Startup businesses.

Eligible Employers:

All employers, including tax-exempt employers, are eligible to take the credit as long as the employer meets the qualifications. There are limits as to which wages will be qualifying depending on the number of full-time employees, however.


In order for a business to be qualified to take the credit, the business must meet one of the two following rules:

  1. Fully or partially suspended due to orders from an appropriate governmental authority limiting commerce, travel, or group meetings (for commercial, social, religious, or other purposes) due to COVID-19. Only wages paid during from the date the restrictions are put into place until the date the restrictions are lifted are qualified wages.


  1. Substantial decrease in gross receipts – Notice 2021-23
    • 2020 – 1st of the quarter where gross receipts are less than 50% from same quarter of 2019 to last day of quarter where sales are more than 80% of the same quarter of 2019
    • 2021 – any quarter where gross receipts are less than 80% of same quarter of 2019 or using the alternative method, if the prior quarter’s gross receipts were less than 80% of the comparative quarter of 2019, then the quarter will count. Using the alternative method, if a quarter in 2021 is qualified, the next quarter is automatically qualified. The Notice affirms that using the alternative method election is on a quarter-to-quarter basis. For 2021, if the employer was not in business in same quarter of 2019, then they would compare to 2020.
    • Recovery startup businesses, under Notice 2021-20 are only qualified under these rules for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2021. The business must have started operations after 2/15/2020 and their average gross receipts must be less than $1,000,000. These employers cannot exceed $50,000 in total credit per quarter if qualifying under these rules. There is no limit to the credit if the business qualifies under the full or partial suspension of operations or decline in gross receipts. In addition, a Recovery Startup business is allowed to use all qualified wages without the limitation on the number of Full Time Employees. Recovery startup businesses are subject to the aggregation rules under Notice 2021-20.

Eligible Wages:

Employers with over 100 Full Time Employees (employees who work on average 30 hours per week or more) in 2020 (500 Full Time Employees in 2021) only have qualified wages for the Employee Retention Credit to the extent that the wages are paid to employees not to work. (Health care costs are still qualified.)

Employers with less than 100 Full Time Employees (500 in 2021), Recovery Startup Businesses, or Severely Financially Distressed Employers are allowed to use all wages as qualified wages.

Severely financially distressed employers are those businesses whose decline in gross receipts are less than 10% of those in 2019. These employers are not subject to the qualified wage limitation imposed on large employers.

No wages are allowed if they were used for PPP forgiveness, the Work Opportunity Credit, or Paid Sick and Family Leave credits. For the 3rd and 4th quarter only, wages used for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, Restaurant Revitalization Grant).

Qualified Wages include cash tips reported by employees when the tips exceed $20 in a month. However, IRS says there is no prohibition against taking the ERC and the credit under 45B for cash tips.

Maximum credit:

  • 2020 – 50% of eligible wages and qualified health care costs up to $10,000 for the year, maximum credit $5,000 per employee per year – wages paid between March 13 and December 31, 2020, inclusive.


  • 2021 – 70% of eligible wages and qualified health care costs up to $10,000 per quarter, maximum credit of $7,000 per employee per quarter

Owners, Spouses and Related Individuals

The wages paid to individuals who are related parties under Code Section 51 are not qualified for the Employee Retention Credit whose wages do not qualify for ERC include:  majority owners, family members who are employed, and most spouses.

The IRS is using Code Section 267 attribution to disqualify wages paid to spouses if the owner and/or spouse have any living close relatives, whether the relatives work for the business or not. The only exception to allowing a spouse’s wages to be qualified is where neither the owner nor the spouse have any close living relatives. This prohibition is for majority owners (more than 50%) of corporations and other entities.

Minority Owners can potentially have their wages qualify for the ERC, but again, if they are related to any of the other owners by marriage or blood, then they could be deemed to be more than 50% owners.
IRS Notice 2021-49 Owner/family wages and ERC Qualification

  Do not Qualify for ERC Qualify for ERC
Schedule C/F filers:    
Owner of Schedule C or F:  owner has or does not have living ancestor, descendent or sibling (living relatives from here forward)  


Spouse of Sch. C or F owner-owner has living relatives X  
Spouse of Sch. C or F owner-owner does NOT have living relatives    


Child, grandchild, parent or sibling of Sch. C or F owner X  

Form 1065 Filers-LLC’s and Partnerships

>50% owner, owner has or does not have living relatives  


50% or less owner, owner has or does not have living relatives  


Spouse of >50% owner, with living relatives X  
Spouse of >50% owner, no living relatives   X
Spouse of 50% or less owner   X
Child, grandchild, parent or sibling of >50% owner X  
Child, grandchild, parent or sibling of 50% or less  owner   X

Form 1120 and 1120S Filers

>50% owner, owner has living relatives  


>50% owner, owner does not have living relatives X  
50% or less owner**   X
Spouse of >50% owner, with living relatives X  
Spouse of >50% owner, no living relatives   X
Spouse of 50% or less owner   X
Child, grandchild, parent or sibling of >50% owner X  
Child, grandchild, parent or sibling of 50% or less  owner   X

**Assumes no other owners are related which would cause attribution of > 50% ownership.

Income Tax Reporting of Employee Retention Credit

The IRS holds that the reduction of expense for wages and qualified health costs occurs in the tax year the wages were paid or incurred, as opposed to the year that the credit was obtained. Employers who did not reduce wages or health care costs in the year attributable will need to amend their tax returns.

For example, a company who amends 2020 payroll tax returns to claim the Employee Retention Credit will report the credit as a reduction of wages and health care costs to the extent of the credit on their 2020 income tax return, even if the payroll tax return was filed or amended in 2021.

Other Changes Under the American Rescue Plan

The statute of limitations has been extended to 5 years for 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021 only for returns that are filed claiming the Employee Retention Credit.

If an employer receives the credit, then amends the payroll tax return to repay the credit, the repayment is determined to be an additional tax, but penalties for failure to timely pay or deposit tax will not apply if the taxpayer can show reasonable cause and not willful neglect.

For the 2nd through 4th quarters of 2021, the Employer’s share of Medicare taxes is now determined to be the non-refundable portion of the credit, where the Employer’s share of Social Security tax was the non-refundable portion of the credit in prior quarters. This particular change will affect the worksheets for the Form 941, but the ability to use the remaining credit against employee withholdings and as a potential credit will not change.

Courtesy of TaxSpeaker. Link TaxSpeaker to our aff link

News for Your Week Ahead: August 5, 2021

First Vice President Ana Barnabe tells us all about the benefits of an MSATP membership including free ethics CPE, Talking With TaxSpeaker, and more.

Watch on YouTube.

Coming Up: On Wednesday, August 11 at 10 a.m., MSATP President Barbara Smith will join us to discuss her Payroll and 1099 Forms seminar/webinar in Ellicott City, MD on December 13.

Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook so you can catch MSATP TV live every week.

Agency Collection Activities to Resume August 16 | Comptroller of Maryland

Comptroller Peter Franchot announced that the Comptroller’s Office will resume collection activities beginning August 16, 2021.

Collection and licensing activities have been on hold as a result of Executive Orders issued by Governor Larry Hogan in response to COVID-19, but those activities were to resume no later than June 30, 2021.

At the Comptroller’s request, in recognition of the financial struggles of Maryland individuals and businesses resulting from the pandemic, as well as the role that his agency played in administrating and assisting in pandemic relief programs, Governor Hogan granted an additional extension through August 15, 2021.

For more information, click here.

IRS Reminds Heavy Vehicle Owners of August 31 Highway Use Tax Return Deadline | IR-2021-164

The IRS reminds those who have registered, or are required to register, large trucks and buses that it’s time to file Tax Year 2021 Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return. The deadline to file and pay is Aug. 31, 2021, for vehicles used on the road during July 2021.

The highway use tax applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Taxpayers unsure if they must file can use the IRS online tool, “Do I Need to Pay the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax?” The question-and-answer format helps owners determine if they are required to pay the highway use tax. The “Understanding Form 2290 – Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax” recorded webinar is also available.

For more information, click here.

Security Summit: Tax Pros Can Help Clients Battle Identity Theft Risk Related to Unemployment | IR-2021-163

IRS Security Summit partners outlined for tax professionals how they can assist clients who were victims of unemployment compensation fraud schemes that targeted state workforce agencies in 2020 and 2021.

The IRS, state tax agencies, and the tax industry – working together as the Security Summit – reported that unemployment compensation fraud was one of the more common identity theft schemes that emerged in 2020 as criminals exploited the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic impact.

For more information, click here.

Information for FIRE Users | Issue Number: 2021-11

The IRS will be making significant improvements to the Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) application process for new users. The new online Information Returns (IR) Application for Transmitter Control Code (TCC) is scheduled to deploy on September 26, 2021. The new application will be available on and will replace both the current Form 4419 and the Fill-in Form 4419 on the FIRE System.

New users will be required to authenticate their identities and create a new account through IRS Secure Access Account to access the new online IR Application for TCC. Details on what users need to verify their identities can be found at Existing Secure Access (SA) users will be able to use their existing SA account.

For more information, click here.