Now that tax season is underway, staying organized is as crucial as ever. Doing so can create a less stressful work environment, help you to better serve your clients, and make for a more successful year. Here are a few tips to help get you started:
Create a to-do list
This tip may be obvious, but it’s still important to mention. Creating a list of tasks helps keep you organized as well as creates a sense of accomplishment when you complete them. Review your list every morning or jot down what you’d like to tackle for the next day. You can even create time blocks to help you schedule out your day, or put high-priority tasks first. This ensures you aren’t forgetting what needs to be done without feeling overwhelmed.
Use an agenda book or notebook
Whether you use physical notebooks or keep everything in your email calendar, you should get into the habit of jotting down important dates and notes. By writing down meetings, deadlines, and ideas, you’re less likely to forget them. Moreover, your time management will improve. It may even be helpful to add in reminders. Just be sure to keep your calendar up-to-date.
Optimize your workspace
Whether you’re working in an office building or you’ve set up shop in your house, a cluttered workspace is a recipe for disaster. Keep important items within reach, and put away anything you don’t use frequently. Use organizers to keep things in their place and to maximize your storage. Have some extra time? Go through your files and office supplies and get rid of anything you no longer need. Having a cleaner workspace is conducive to a more efficient workday.
Use the right program
Let’s face it: today’s world is digital. Trying to find the right programs and software for you and your clients can be frustrating. Not having simple-to-use programs can actually make you feel more disorganized. You can talk with other tax professionals during regular Business Builder ThinkTank meetings to discuss what has worked for them. Additionally, MSATP now offers Verifyle Pro as a member benefit: a cloud storage and sharing tool that allows you to securely communicate with clients, share documents, and request signatures (among so much more). Simple and straight-forward to use, it’s a great program to keep yourself organized during your busiest time of the year.