Being a cloud-based business means that all of the applications you use to run your business are on the Internet instead of being located on a computer or server. In essence, through the cloud, you may access your files and applications from anywhere at any time — you don’t need to be in a traditional office setting.
If you haven’t moved your business, or at least a part of it, onto the cloud, here are some reasons to make the transition:
1. You no longer have to invest in expensive servers.
Instead of investing thousands into purchasing the hardware you need to build a server and then also having to pay someone to manage it, you can simply subscribe to a cloud service. There will always be someone available to help you when you need it, and your software will automatically go through updates without you having to pay an additional fee.
2. It’s a great tool for disaster recovery.
When another company is hosting your files, you can sleep easy at night knowing that they have your data backed up securely. If there’s a power-outage at your office, know that you can access important files from a different location and they won’t be impacted.
3. It will increase collaboration between your team without sacrificing security.
Because your team members can access files from any part of the world at any time of day, they have the ability to collaborate with each other on projects — even if they’re not working right next to each other. Collaboration will also be more secure on the cloud since you and your team members won’t have to constantly email documents back and forth. You can simply share where they are located on the cloud and when someone else needs to check or make an edit to a document, they can just pull it up on their own computer.
4. Your business will become more environmentally friendly.
Moving onto the cloud is great for the environment because based on the amount of business you have at a certain time of year, you can change the amount of server space you need with the company hosting your files. This means that your business can conserve energy when you don’t need to be using it. Having every document you need located on the cloud will also decrease the need to make hard copies of files. You’ll likely be using less paper, ink, and energy when it comes to file management.
If you’re interested in moving your accounting or tax business onto the cloud, check out our last Facebook Live from the Xero Roadshow with MSATP members Jonathan Rivlin and Adrian Simmons. The two discussed why they love having their businesses on the cloud and the benefits of being able to work collaboratively with clients.