CPA’s Guide to Effective Engagement Letters (14th Edition)
The integrity of your practice depends on the contents of your engagement letters. Whether it’s a new engagement, repeat engagement, or, especially, a changed engagement, you need to know what to say and how to say it correctly. Using the sample letters and advice in this user-friendly guide, you’ll improve client/CPA communication, document your engagements more effectively, and protect yourself from litigation. A well-constructed engagement letter also provides an opportunity to explore other potential business with your client. A wide variety of engagement types are covered, and every letter can be easily customized and printed.
CPA’s Guide to Effective Engagement Letters (14th Edition) has been updated throughout, including new wording and new letters for:
- Updated review, compilation and preparation letters that comply with SSARS No. 23, Omnibus Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services—2016.
- New compilation letter template to be used if the accountant decides to accept responsibility for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements as allowed under SSARS No. 23.
- Updated letters for prospective financial statements (forecasts and projections) that comply with SSARS No. 23.
- Updated language for the attestation engagement letters that complies with SSAE 18.
- Other New letters, including one designed for CPAs providing preparation and tax services under a special purpose framework.
- Updated tax engagement letters that include revised language for foreign reporting requirements and return due date changes.
For a copy of the flyer: October Book of the Month. Click here to order.