Running an accounting and tax business can be difficult. Between managing personnel matters, data security, business operations, and legislative compliance, it’s easy to feel buried or isolated. That’s why MSATP is excited to announce our latest professional and business development initiative: The Business Builders ThinkTank.
The ThinkTank is a group similar to a CEO peer group, designed to create a space where business owners can connect with each other to discuss and work through challenges. The ThinkTank will create an environment that will help enhance the quality of everyone’s business. Group members will share the problems they encounter, and others will share how they have resolved them in the past.
The intention of the ThinkTank is to always move the conversation forward. So instead of leaning into “This isn’t working or why this won’t work,” the way to approach a situation will be by asking, “How do we create this in a way that is workable for your firm?” This way, challenges won’t become roadblocks to growth, but instead, just obstacles that you can push through together.
Three inaugural groups will be set up: BWI, Baltimore County, and Montgomery County. Each group will have 8-10 participants who are committed to meeting on the third Thursday of every month, from 8 – 9:30 a.m. The meetings will take place in the off-season, between May-November, for a total of 7 meetings.
Participants are required to attend 5 out of 7 meetings. If they miss more than 2, we will ask that they turn their seat over to someone else. This will help maintain integrity in the space and build trust amongst participants.
MSATP Second Vice President Richard Gottfried, Treasurer Donya Oneto, and CPR Committee Chair Tom Bray will initially be leading these groups. They will identify participants who have a desire to become group leaders and facilitators, and then train them to do so.
We’re so excited to start this initiative! If you are interested in participating, you can register on our website here. If you have any questions, you can email info@msatp.org, or call us at 1-800-922-9672.
For more information, tune into our Facebook Live from last week. President Ellen Silverstein was joined by Donya and Tom for a rundown on the ThinkTank initiative. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can get notifications every time we upload a new video.