MSATP Education Update
MSATP is modifying our 2020-2021 educational offerings to ensure that you, our valued members, stay safe during this time of uncertainty. As always, we will keep you updated on issues that matter most to you as tax and accounting professionals.
Please stay tuned to our website and follow us on social media for the latest information on updates as they are issued. In the coming weeks, we will also be sharing valuable tools and instructions to assist you in learning how to use new technology platforms as we move from an in-person education delivery to a virtual one.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these difficult times. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-922-9672 or email info@msatp.org.
In-Person Notarization Requirement Waiver Guidance Updated | Maryland Office Of The Secretary Of State
The Governor’s Emergency Order No. 20-03-30-04 authorizes remote notarizations and the Secretary of State’s temporary guidance issued March 30, 2020 and as amended April 10, 2020. The contents of this document are temporary guidelines that apply during the emergency waiver of the in-person requirement. All other requirements for performing notarial acts are in full force and effect.
You must do the following in order to perform a remote notarization:
- You must be a current notary in good standing.
- You must notify the Office of the Secretary of State of your intent to use remote notarizations
- You must identify the communications technology vendor you will use and confirm that the vendor allows you to, in real time, (1) view the remotely located individual and (2) compare for consistency the information and photos presented as identification credentials.
- For each notarial act conducted remotely, you must create and retain an audio-visual recording of the performance of the notarial act.
- For each notarial act conducted remotely, you must note on the notarial certification and in your notary log or journal that the notarial act was performed for a remotely located individual using communications technology.
- You may NOT charge more than $4 for each remote online notarial act using communication technology, which is the same fee that may be charged when performing an in person notarial act. The $4 fee is the maximum fee that the Secretary of State may allow for an original notarial act as set forth in Section 18-112, State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.
For more details and requirements, continue reading here.
Loan Tracker | View Status of Loan Payments
A group of small business owners concerned about their businesses and the timeline for receiving loans from the government via the SBA have created this website to track all loans related to the current environment.