Legislative Accomplishments

As the 2024 legislative session has come to a close, we are proud to share the impactful work MSATP has done on your behalf. Here are some of our top accomplishments:

Opposing Complex Tax Schemes

  • Throwback Rule and Unitary Combined Reporting: We successfully opposed complex tax reapportionment schemes, advocating for a more straightforward tax environment that benefits all our members.

Protecting Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

  • Sales Tax on Services: We stood against the expansion of sales tax on services, which could have negatively impacted small and mid-sized businesses, protecting our members from potential financial stress.

Aligning State and Federal Tax Policies

  • Maryland’s De-coupling Provisions: We pushed for a thorough evaluation to ensure state tax policies align well with federal regulations, creating a predictable and manageable tax environment.

Advocating for Remote Work Tax Rules

  • Tax Implications of Remote Work: We advocated for clear and permanent rules regarding the tax implications of remote work, ensuring our members can reliably advise clients and manage their businesses effectively.

Exploring Alternatives to Raising Taxes

  • Balanced Revenue Generation: We encouraged the exploration of alternatives to raising taxes, such as balancing revenue generation with economic growth and spending cuts, to foster an environment where member firms can prosper.

Protecting Taxpayers from Scams

  • Deceptive Tax Practices: We guarded taxpayers against deceptive tax practices and scams, especially those targeting the elderly, to protect the public and uphold the ethical standards of our profession.

Download the 2024 Legislative Report

For a comprehensive overview of all the legislative actions and details of the bills tracked by MSATP, you can download the full 2024 Legislative Report here.