Help Your Business Clients Save On More Than Just Taxes!

If 2020 taught business owners anything, it’s that keeping your expenses as low as possible is essential to thrive during tough times. Now you have the opportunity to service your business clients by more than just managing their accounting and taxes. 

MSATP is teaming up with a company called Viv to help your clients save money on bills like cable, internet, phone, security, trash pickup, water delivery, electricity and so much more! Just look at these case studies to see a sampling of how businesses have saved with Viv’s services. Bill negotiating is just the beginning. Viv also offers utility auditing, which looks in the past to see where they have been overcharged, and many options for installing energy efficiency solutions.

PLUS, you have an opportunity to earn while your clients save! Sign up to become a referral partner for free and you can earn every time your clients save. The more they save, the more you earn! Watch this video and click here to learn more about this new member benefit!