On July 7 and 8 Sandy Steinwedel, Rick Messenger and I represented the MSATP at the IRS Tax Forum. The site of the forum was the Gaylord Hotel at National Harbor near Washington, D.C. Many small firm and independent tax professionals expressed interested becoming MSATP members. Keeping up their skills and staying current with the latest events impacting their profession was the most prevalent reason for their interest. Over 10 new applications were received during the 2 days and several membership renewals. Events such as these are important not just for new members, but members who aspire to be informed, better at what they do and peer interaction. While the new state of MD regulations generated their interest initially (and kept Sandy pretty busy) many became engaged on another level. Especially once they were informed of the many benefits MSATP membership has to offer. The solo conference was a point of interest for at least 3 of the new members. The next time you are at an event or seminar make sure you introduce yourself and welcome these new members. We know that can make all the difference.