Maryland Business Relief Wizard | Find the Right COVID-19 Support Resources for Your Business
There are numerous local and national programs for businesses in need of emergency support, but understanding which options are relevant for your organization can be a challenge.
The Maryland Business Relief Wizard is a tool that helps connect businesses with the resources and programming for which they’re eligible, streamlining the process of finding support.
Click here to get started.
IRS Extends More Tax Deadlines | IR-2020-66
To help taxpayers, the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced that Notice 2020-23 (PDF) extends additional key tax deadlines for individuals and businesses.
Last month, the IRS announced that taxpayers generally have until July 15, 2020, to file and pay federal income taxes originally due on April 15. No late-filing penalty, late-payment penalty or interest will be due.
Yesterday’s notice expands this relief to additional returns, tax payments and other actions. As a result, the extensions generally now apply to all taxpayers that have a filing or payment deadline falling on or after April 1, 2020, and before July 15, 2020. Individuals, trusts, estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers qualify for the extra time. This means that anyone, including Americans who live and work abroad, can now wait until July 15 to file their 2019 federal income tax return and pay any tax due.
For more details, click here
New Tax Relief & Economic Impact Payments Pages | IRS
Due to the current condition, the IRS has created the following Tax Relief & Economic Impact Payments pages to help individuals receive the answers they need: