Tax Season Motivation

Tax season is approaching and that can only mean one thing: stress. It’s something everyone must deal with, but for accountants and tax preparers the beginning of the year comes bearing extra challenges.

While it can be overwhelming, it’s important to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can overcome whatever this tax season throws your way. Here are five inspiring quotes to read whenever you’re feeling particularly stressed and need help getting through your work:

  1. “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.” -Simon Sinek
  2. “If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard work that makes it great.” -Tom Hanks
  3. “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” -Molière
  4. “In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” -Lee Iacocca
  5. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” -Michael Jordan

We hope you take time to look back at these quotes whenever you need a little motivation to keep going. Remember that the work you do is important! Stress may come with the job, but so does the pride in being able to accomplish it.

Need more motivation? Make sure to sign up for our Tax Season Motivation webinar with Dawn Brolin, CPA, CFE, on January 13, 2023!

#TechTips: Phishing Emails

By Jonathan Rivlin, CPA, and Al & Christine Giovetti, CPA

[Ed. Note – Going forward, Jonathan Rivlin and Al and Christine Giovetti will be co-authoring some short articles for publication in various Maryland Society of Accounting and Tax Professionals newsletters and such. This is the first in that series. Please let us know if you have any tech questions that we can address for you!]

Phishing emails are getting more insidious. I received a different kind today. [Ed. note – I received a similar email. – Chris] It’s supposedly from PayPal, referencing a transaction I did NOT make and asking for money. A screenshot of the request is below.



A few items of note:

  • The last name (Williams) doesn’t match the requester’s last name (this was in the address line of the email, which is not part of the screenshot above).
  • The comma in the salutation is after the ‘Hello’ and not after the name (in small print, at the top).
  • I had to look up Cardano – it’s a type of cryptocurrency.
  • I Googled the 1-888 number and it did not come back as anything recognizable.
  • The requester was asking for the funds to be sent in Mexican Pesos (again, not part of the screenshot, but in the email).
  • I have no connection to anyone in Mexico or by the name of Andrea Williams.

I logged into my PayPal account – I went directly to PayPal, without clicking anything in the email – and found, under the tech support option, a message about phishing emails right at the top of the page, directing people to forward such emails to them directly and then delete the emails.

Like any phishing email, it falls apart pretty quickly upon even a little scrutiny, but if you’re rushing, it’s very easy to fall for it.

You see, this is why we can’t have nice things …

MSATP Hosts First Annual Holiday Soirée

On December 15, 2022, MSATP hosted our first annual Holiday Soirée. The primary goal of the event was to raise funds for the MSA Scholarship Foundation, which has awarded over $1,000,000 in scholarships to accounting students in Maryland.

Attendees dressed in their holiday best to enjoy food, drinks, and a fantastic holiday playlist as they caught up with friends and meet new faces throughout the night.

Through ticket and raffle sales, over $2,000 was raised for the Scholarship Foundation! Ellen Silverstein won the 50/50 raffle, which she generously donated back to the Foundation. Additionally, Jonathan Rivlin won the night’s raffle and received a Roomba.

We also took time during the event to recognize valuable volunteers and sponsors for all they have done:

  • Frost Law was awarded for being an Outstanding Partner
  • Nicole Moore was awarded for her Outstanding Service
  • Ann F. Ellicot was awarded for her Enduring Commitment
  • Jerry Lotz was awarded for being the Sponsor of the Year

Thank you to all who attended and we hope more of you can join us next year for this new tradition!

Click the thumbnails below to see collages from the event!


Tips for a Smoother CPE Season

Ah, the holidays! While this can be a joyous time, it is equally and undeniably stressful. There are presents to buy and wrap, parties and dinners to attend, and last-minute CPE to obtain!


Okay, maybe that last part doesn’t apply to everyone, but it certainly applies to us. Trying to get your credit hours in right before the year ends adds unnecessary stress to your December. Not only is your time limited during the holidays, but the availability of seminars is limited as well. What’s left is often sold out, or the one seminar you need has already come and gone. So, how do you keep this from happening next year?


Know What You Need

Do you know how many hours of CPE you need every year? Do any of those hours need to be state-related? Wait, what about an ethics class?

These are not questions you want to be asking at the very end of the year only to find out you’ve missed the seminars you need to take. Find your CPE requirements here to figure out what courses are right for you. Don’t forget that members can call the office to register for their free ethics course!

Plan Ahead

Look out for our annual Education Guide. You’ll find everything from the seminar schedule to hotel information to fun events (Holiday Soirée, anyone?). Take a look at what’s being offered. Remember to check dates, locations, and speakers in case these details affect your decisions on which seminars to take. Webinars are also available for our live seminars and are a great alternative if you can’t make it in-person.

Register online or call the office as soon as you know what you want to sign up for. Some seminars, particularly tax updates and 1040s, sell out quickly. The sooner you register, the better.

Stay Informed

Remember that Education Guide I mentioned? While it does lay out our entire schedule for the seminar season, sometimes we are able to add more seminars and webinar rebroadcasts after the Education Guide has been published. Check our website regularly to see if anything new has been added (and to see how many spots are left in a seminar). Likewise, make sure you are subscribed to our email list to receive updates on new seminars as well as reminders and other important information.

Complete CPE Early

Sometimes, we miss the seminars we signed up for. We get sick, cars break down—anything can happen. If possible, try to take your CPE early in the seminar season. If you’re unable to attend, this allows you to reschedule to other seminars throughout the rest of the year.

MSATP hopes you enjoy your holiday season and that, with these tips, you enjoy next year’s even more!